Our Services

Corporate Advisory

Cashflows projections/forecast

We offer the professional advise of cashflows projections/forecast for the clients’ investment or financing in order to ensure their maximum return of investment

Corporate restructuring

Management need to ensure that their business is robust, durable and in a position to make the most of potential opportunities for growth in today’s challenging economic climate. lncreased regulation, volatile markets and growing demands from shareholders are all adding to the pressures of a highly competitive market place.

Our company has experience of working with companies facing complex and demanding issues, whether this is renegotiation of existing, financing, options around under performing group companies, effective management of cash and working capital or strategies for business improvement, we have tile capability to provide positive and constructive strategies.

Investigative audit

These are usually special assignments requested by clients and cover a wide range of activities such as detection of suspected fraud, investigation into the company’s statement of affairs, and etc.

Corporate Finance

Due diligence review

Are you buying what you think you are, at the right price? Experience shows that the degree to which to an acquisition proves the beneficial for your company is closely related to the amount and quality of due diligence carried out before the deal goes ahead. We know the importance of helping you to obtain a clearer financial overview of your purchase through a thorough analysis and validation of financial, commercial, operational and strategic assumptions that underpin your deal. These financial information reviews are designed to provide you with an overview of pecuniary prospect of the targeted business. Our tailored due diligence covers key areas that affect the value and viability of your target. We work with you to leverage on due diligence findings in the deal negotiations.

Properly managed taxes can add value to a deal. Beyond identifying and managing the tax risks in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), tax due diligence helps companies identify and capitalize on the available tax concessions.

Working with our industry focused professionals, we make understanding the market in which you operate the core of our market due diligence work.
Utilising our tools and industries expertise from across the company, we help you articulate performance of the targeted business and ultimately, its investment attractiveness.

No Access
No Access Due Diligence provides a thorough market and target review based on publicly available information. This is especially useful when the vendor is reluctant to reveal pertinent information.

Monitoring accountants

Lenders/investors need early warning signals to take swift actions to address any loan repayment issues before they reach crisis proportions. Our professionals provide periodic monitoring reports in assisting lenders/investors to keep an eye on these companies.

Reporting accountants
Where a company is seeking admission to the Malaysia Stock Exchange, the reporting accountant’s main responsibility is to carry out due diligence on the company’s financial position and report these findings to the Securities Commission.

The reporting accountant is independent and can therefore provide a thorough and impartial assessment of its financial condition. The work produced as a result of its deliberations usually comprises the Accountants’ Report (short form), the long form report and the working capital review.

Corporate Governance & Risk Management​

Internal Audit

Internal audit has changed dramatically in recent years, evolving from a traditional auditing role, with a charter of protecting enterprise value, to that of an internal consultant, with increasing organization wide pressure to enhance shareholder value.

Our internal audit professionals take a risk-based approach internal audit to help clients improve performance and operating efficiency. We work closely and collaborating with our clients, providing the full range of service-such as helping to design a strategic plan for internal audit, reengineering existing departments, providing specialized resources, or completely outsourcing the entire internal audit function.

Our practitioners have the knowledge, technology, and experience across a broad spectrum of industries, along with a distinctive approach, that make us uniquely qualified to help. We work closely with our clients to build world-class internal audit processes that become critical in helping management assess the current situation and strengthen the entire organization.

Enterprise Risk Management

Business risk appears in a variety of form which may affect your business objectives­ credit risk, financial risk, operational risk and reputational risk. Although business can adjust for risk through several mechanisms and strategies, but nevertheless, uncertainties still arise.

Every entity and organisation exists to realize value for its stakeholders. Value is created, preserved, enhanced, or eroded by management decisions in all activities, from strategy setting to operational activities day-to-day.

ERM supports value creation by enabling management to deal effectively with potential future events that create uncertainty, and respond in a manner that reduces the likelihood of downside outcomes and increases the upside. At its fullest, ERM has the potential to reduce compliance costs, improve operational performance, enhance corporate governance and deliver greater shareholder value.

Our risk management methodology would form our approach to risk management at a holistic level which provides a robust methodology for risk identification, analysis and treatment of risk for the company.

We support clients by providing a broad spectrum of services that allow you to identify, measure and manage risk, implement control and to enhance the reliability of systems and processes throughout your organisation.

Corporate Recovery & Insolvency


Our experience key personnel have been involved and has managed as Receiver and Manager in various types of business such as transportation industries, manufacturing, timber processing factory, trading, galvanizing industries, and etc.

Most of the receivership cases previously referred are appointments from various financial institutions such as SME Bank, Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (“MIDF”), Credit Guarantee Corporation (“CGC”), Bank Pembangunan, and etc.


Our experience key personnel have been involved and handled several cases of company liquidation either via Members’ Voluntarily Liquidation, Creditors’ Voluntarily Liquidation or Court Appointed Liquidation.

Requests are sometimes made by the company directors to have their companies liquidated as they see no purpose in continuing the business further. In some cases, these are undertaken by creditors when a company is in a state of financial crisis.

A controlled liquidation can often result in businesses being saved for the benefit of proprietors, creditors and employees.

Generally the above is a selection of the services that can be provided by the company. However, it is not exhaustive ad we are at all times ready to work with clients in all areas of their activities where the involvement of a professional financial consulting company is considered to be of assistance.